A hydraulic arm that sits on the wearer’s hip and uses a three-fingered manipulator to carry out a range of tasks

A hydraulic arm that sits on the wearer’s hip and uses a three-fingered manipulator to carry out a range of tasks
June 8, 2020
From This wearable robotic arm can hold tools, pick fruit, and punch through walls on The Verge:

the arm has three degrees of freedom, can move at a speed of 3.4 meters per second, and can lift five kilograms in weight. It’s pretty light and weighs just four kilograms, roughly the same as a human arm. But that’s primarily because it uses a hefty external power source that’s attached via a short tether, limiting mobility.


It could mimic the wearer’s movements, speeding up jobs like picking fruit or painting. Or it could act as an assistant, holding items in a workshop or passing tools.

Worth watching the video.